Zapier Integration

Zapier is an online automation tool that allows you to send SatisMeter responses to your favorite apps like Salesforce, Zendesk, MailChimp, and over 1,000 more 🚀

When X happens in SatisMeter, Zapier can instruct a second app to do Y. These steps are referred to as a trigger and action.

Don't worry! We'll walk you through the steps to create a new Zap with SatisMeter 💪

In this article:

Adding SatisMeter to your Zapier

Access Zapier by opening your Settings > Integrations section on SatisMeter. You'll then have the following options:

  • One of the pre-made Zaps that can connect your survey to Google Sheets, MailChimp, Tag Drip, HubSpot, and Zendesk, by clicking on Use this Zap
  • Or select "Create from scratch" at the bottom of the page to connect us to other platforms.



Create a Trigger

  1. After clicking to create a Zap, you can look and choose SatisMeter from their available list, select "New Survey Response" on the Event field and click on Continue:
    You'll be able to add more complexity to this trigger, such as including only promoters/detractors, soon 😉
  2. In the next section, you'll need to connect to your SatisMeter account by clicking on Sign In.
    You'll be directed to a new page, where you have two options:

    - I don't have a SatisMeter account yet. Create one for me. - in which you can insert your name, e-mail, and password to create a new account within our platform;
    - I already have a SatisMeter account. Let me log in. - in which you'll need to insert the same email and password you log in to your account with us.

    In case you use Google SSO to log in to SatisMeter, you can create a new password by selecting Forgot Password? Don't worry, you'll then be able to still log in here using Google or your newly created password.

    After this page, simply select your account on the main page and click on Continue.
  3.  In this last section, you'll actually set up the trigger 😄

    First, you need to choose which Project and then surveys you'd like the Zap to work with (you can leave the second field blank in case you'll use it in all surveys inside the selected project).
  4. You need to test your trigger before continuing, for that, click on Test in the next section and Zapier will retrieve all responses to make sure it's on the right project and if you selected, a specific survey.


Adding a Filter (optional)

If you'd like to add more complexity to the Zap, such as choosing only some kind of responses to trigger the action, like ratings from promoters, you can follow the steps below. If not, you can jump to the next step!

  1. Click on the + button between the Trigger and the Action and select the Filter option in the Built-in tools list:
  2. Then, you can choose the conditions for the Zap to happen. As mentioned, you can add only responses bigger or smaller than a certain number, but you can go beyond and choose between several user traits available.

Creating the Action

  1. Select between all available options the platform you'd like connected to SatisMeter and then choose the event, which is what you'd like to happen in the connected platform when the trigger happens in SatisMeter.
  2. Then, you need to Sign In to the selected platform and select Continue.
  3. The Setup Action section varies according to the selected platform, so you can fill up all fields always keeping in mind what you'd like to happen there once SatisMeter's trigger happens 👀
  4. Similar to the trigger, you need to test the action before you can publish the Zap.

Publish the Zap

If your tests were completed, click on Publish Zap (in the last section of the Action) and select "Publish and Turn On" in the pop-up that will show up:


That's it, you are all set! In case you need some help with any of the steps, please don't hesitate to contact us in the chat bubble ✨

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