Install Satisfaction surveys (NPS, CSAT, CES) or Product-market Fit surveys on your site using Google Tag Manager (GTM). If you're already using Google Tag Manager (GTM), it's a quick and convenient way to set up SatisMeter on your site without having to dig into your code.
In this article, we'll cover how to set up the template yourself, or using Google's Community Template Gallery.
Note: Currently this tutorial only covers how to set up anonymous surveys using GTM.
There are two methods for setting up SatisMeter using Google Tag Manager. Before you can start installing SatisMeter using GTM, you need to already have a GTM account set up and enabled on your website. You also need to start an account in SatisMeter, which you can do for free here.
In this article:
Method 1
1. Within GTM click "New Tag"

2. In tag configuration select "Custom HTML"

3. Name your tag (for example SatisMeter or NPS)

4. In the HTML field paste the installation code you find
Note: Do not use the code from Step 2 "Track User Data"

5. Select the trigger which you want to tell GTM to display a SatisMeter survey. GTM allows you to trigger a SatisMeter survey after a specific event. This could be simple, like a certain page loaded, or a custom event like a purchase.

6. Click "Submit" to send the new version of your workspace to GTM.

SatisMeter surveys should now display on your website when a visitor completes your trigger action. Feedback will be delivered to your SatisMeter dashboard.

Method 2
Within GTM click New Tag.

2. In Tag Setup select Discover more tag types in the Community Template Gallery and in the search box type "SatisMeter"

3. Click Add to Workspace.

4. Add your SatisMeter write key to the configuration settings.

Find your write key in the HTML code shown in your SatisMeter installation settings in the SatisMeter app.

5. Adjust triggers in GTM depending on which pages you want the SatisMeter survey to display on, and you're done!