This integration allows you to create a new case in Salesforce for each piece of NPS feedback you get from SatisMeter.
To do this we will use Zapier, a tool for connecting services to each other. When X happens in SatisMeter, Zapier can instruct Salesforce to do Y.
First, you should set up SatisMeter in-app surveys and have a Salesforce account first. Once SatisMeter is up and running, go to, and create an account.
In this article:
Connecting SatisMeter to Zapier
First, you need to use SatisMeter on Zapier, in the SatisMeter dashboard go to Settings > Integrations > Zapier. SatisMeter will now be available for you to use in a Zap.
You will now see this screen, in which you can create a Zap. Click on Create this zap.
Creating the Trigger
- Choose the trigger you wish to use, and click Save + Continue. You will be able to refine this trigger later on (ie. include only promoters/detractors).
- In this next screen, you will need to connect your SatisMeter account, by clicking Connect an Account.
- A pop-up will open where you can log in with your account or register an account. If you are already logged in, you will have to allow the integration with Zapier. Then click Continue.
- In this screen, you will see a dropdown, which will list the projects you have in SatisMeter. Select the project for which you want to create the trigger.
- The next step is to test the connection with SatisMeter. Click Fetch & Continue. If everything is working, you should see a screen like the one below.
Adding a Filter
Adding a filter to your trigger is not necessary, however, if you wish to make the action conditional on the type of response your receive, this is how to do it.
In this example, only Promoter responses (scores of 9 or 10) will act as a trigger. Responses with lower scores will be ignored by this Zap.
- In the left-hand options click the + symbol between trigger and action, select Filter and continue.
- Choose the conditions which a survey response must meet in order to trigger this action. We will target promoters by filtering for ratings greater than 8, but the options are extensive. You could look for particular keywords, user attributes, or times and dates.
Connecting Zapier to Salesforce
Step 1: Choose an Action App
To create a new case in Salesforce for each NPS response, choose the Action App 'Salesforce' from the drop-down menu, and select the 'Create Custom Object' option:
Step 2: Connect the Salesforce account
Allow Zapier to connect to your Salesforce account:
Step 3: Connect the SatisMeter traits to the Salesforce traits
In this step, you can design how your case will look in Salesforce.
Make sure the 'Custom Type' is set to 'Case'.
The SatisMeter trait 'Response rating' is the score a user replied to, and the 'Response Feedback' is the open-ended feedback for this response.
Step 4: Test the integration
Now it's time to test if the integration is set up properly.
If you find you need to tweak the traits/values, just go one step back.
In Zapier, you can see the overview of the Salesforce Case traits and the values from your test response:
In Salesforce, you can see the created case, and review if the integration is set up properly:
Salesforce case attributes:
Step 5: Turn on your Zap!
Now that everything works the way it should, it is time to turn ON the Zap.
Great, you have successfully integrated SatisMeter into Salesforce. From now on you will get all the responses in Salesforce.