Intercom integration

Intercom is a service for live conversations and targeted messages to your users. SatisMeter responses will appear as user properties, events, and conversations with your customers. Integrating SatisMeter with Intercom should be a breeze.

In this article:

Setting up the integration

The first step is to set up any type of in-app survey (NPS, CSAT, CES, PMF, or even custom!) and have an Intercom account.

Once SatisMeter is up and running, follow the steps below:

  1. in the SatisMeter dashboard go to  Settings-1.svg Settings > Integrations > Intercom.
  2. Click the Connect with Intercom button, and grant access to your Intercom project so that SatisMeter can record survey responses to Intercom users and events.

SatisMeter attributes sent to Intercom

Once connected, you are able to control per survey when SatisMeter should open a new support ticket on Intercom (On any response, only those with open-ended feedback, or never), and also what User Attributes and Events SatisMeter should send to Intercom.

Start new intercom conversation options:
  1. Don't start conversations - Will not create a conversation in Intercom, meaning the integration is 'off'
  2. On responses with open-ended feedback - Will only create conversations when the survey response contains a text answer to an open-ended question
  3. On any new response - Will create conversations on all new survey responses

By mapping survey responses to User Attributes, you can add a user attribute for each of your follow-up questions, for example.

Mapping of User Events is also super helpful:


Here's an explanation of every event we store per default:

  • Viewed event - The survey is shown to the user

  • Answered event - The user answers one of the questions (fired for every answer, not just the first one).

  • Completed event - The user has submitted a response. Even if it's called "complete" it's also fired when the user has answered at least one question and closed the survey, not just when the user goes through all questions.

  • Dismissed event - The user has closed the survey without answering any of the questions.

In case you have any questions or concerns about the Intercom integration, reach out to our Support team on chat or check out our blog post on the topic.

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