User traits: First seen vs. Created At

You are able to choose between these two user traits to set up how long the user must have been in your platform before they are surveyed.

In order to do that, open the Survey Designer, and after creating your questions and choosing the channel, open the Targeting section.

The focus here is the "Who should see the survey?" question. You need to choose the option Only some users, in which you will find:

  1. First Seen
    This trait is automatically created by SatisMeter the first time we identify the user - by their userID - on the part of the tool where our code was installed.
    For example, if you choose First Seen more than 30 days, then the survey will be displayed only for users that were identified by SatisMeter for over 30 days.
    This option will be available in all surveys you create here on the platform 😉

  2. Created At
    This is a custom user trait that you must send from your end to SatisMeter following the steps in this article 💪
    It will work similar to the First Seen rule, however, it will use the day the user signed up to your platform to calculate when the survey should be displayed, instead of the day SatisMeter first identified them.

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