Error when installing via Segment

What to do if "Couldn't fetch page" error pop-ups!

If you run into the "Couldn't fetch page" error when installing your surveys via Segment, this article is here to show you what to do next!


Help us troubleshoot the error! 🕵️

We know errors popping up can be frustrating, but as an edge case, we are still investigating the root cause of this bad guy. Your help can be the final piece to this puzzle!

Take a moment and snap a screenshot of your console, highlighting any errors you might find there.

Bonus point: download the HAR file of the page!

All you need to do then is to open our chat bubble and share that with us! :)

Try this workaround 🔄

After sharing the info above with our Support team, you can go ahead and try an alternative way to install SatisMeter via Segment:

In Segment, go to Destination catalog, and find SatisMeter:


Select Segment source where they want to install SatisMeter


Enter SatisMeter write key (found in SatisMeter Settings / Integrations / API) into API Key field in Segment


Activate the integration in Segment. After that, wait a few minutes, and click "Verify Installation" in SatisMeter, to check that the setup was successful


If you are not able to follow this workaround, let us know via Support, and we will assist you further 💪

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