Answer limit per user on survey channels

To make sure you are receiving quality feedback, there is a limit on how many times the same user is able to reply to your surveys, and it varies according to which survey channel you are using.

  • Email and Public Link

    By default, each user can answer the survey once every 24 hours.

    If someone tries to answer the same survey more than once during this period, they'll be directed to the "Thank you" page.

    - To avoid possible "robot" answers on your surveys, the "Thank you" page on Email surveys is triggered, without considering the rating, when you use testing/preview emails. We recommend always sending it to a real user to test it out, for example, other colleagues from your company 😉

  • Web and Mobile app

    For this survey channel, you are able to set the limit for your users 🚀
    You can open your Survey Designer, and after creating your questions and choosing the channel, you'll open the Targeting section.
    In this part, you'll define how many times the user will see and answer the survey in the "How often should the survey be displayed?" question.
    You can choose between only displaying one time for each user or setting a recurrence, so, for example, you can choose to display the same survey every 3 months for the same user.

    image__31_.pngIf you are using the Trigger on event type of surveys, you'll be able to choose between only collecting answers one time or every time the same event is tracked.

In case you need any help or would like to change a bit the recurrence of your surveys, regardless of the survey channel chosen, feel free to reach out to us on support ✨

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