
Out of all users that match your targeting rules, set a limit to how many percentages should receive the in-app survey. Our Sampling feature will randomly pick that percentage of users, and if the survey is recurring, always survey that same percentage group.

You'll find the Sampling feature on the Targeting section of the Survey Designer, right under the question "Who should see the survey?"


Sampling can be handy in overcoming spikes in responses or gradually rolling out surveys to your user base. For example, if you would like to start surveying your customers on NPS every 3 months, but you have a large eligible user segmentation.

To avoid an overwhelming volume of NPS responses in the first days after going live, and silent for the next weeks, you might want to use Sampling to spread out the NPS collection: 33% in the first month, increase to 66% in the second and finish with 100% in the third month.

This way you create a steady and recurring flow of responses, giving your agents enough time to take action on each feedback collected!

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