Bigcommerce integration

There are two ways of installing SatisMeter on your Bigcommerce store:

  1. Customize the template you're using by editing the theme's files (recommended).

  2. Using Bicommerce's Conversion and Affiliate tracking.

In this article:

Customizing the theme

This method allows you to install SatisMeter on virtually any page of your store and it gives you more information available to pass to SatisMeter.

From your store's dashboard head to Storefront > My Themes, and in the active theme select Customize > Edit Theme Files.


Locate under templates/pages the file related to the page you want the survey to appear on (e.g. order-confirmation.html for the "Thank you for your order" page) and paste the content of this gist inside the {{#partial "page"}} block.

Note: You may find that changes made in pages related to checkout, like checkout.html or order-confirmation.html, are not reflected in your store. In that case, you need to enable Optimized One-Page Checkout, since some themes require it in order to use the page files related to checkout.



Then you'll have to replace YOUR_WRITE_KEY with the Write Key for your SatisMeter project, which you can find in SatisMeter under Settings > Integrations > API Keys.

Click Save & apply file and SatisMeter will be installed in your store. Now you just have to adjust your survey's targeting settings in order to show the survey (instructions down below).

Using Conversion and Affiliation tracking

If you are looking for a way to install SatisMeter only on the order confirmation page you can use Bigcommerce's Conversion and Affiliation tracking code injection. Keep in mind that the information available for passing to SatisMeter is limited to the amount of the order, the order's ID, and the customer's email.

In order to add tracking code you need to head to Advanced Settings > Affiliate Conversion Tracking from your store's Dashboard. Paste the content of this gist in the Conversion Tracking Code area (if you already have content in that area add the new code at the end, below any previous content).

Remember to replace YOUR_WRITE_KEY with the Write Key for your SatisMeter project, which you can find in SatisMeter under Settings > Integrations > API Keys.

Click in Done and SatisMeter will be installed in your store. Now you just have to adjust your survey's targeting settings in order to show surveys (instructions below).

Adjust Targeting Settings

By default, the survey will be shown based on the customer's sign-up date, which is not available on either Bigcommerce's theme templates or Conversion and Affiliate tracking. You can customize the targeting of the survey under Settings > Surveys > Targeting.


There you'll be able to change the rules of survey targeting. Remove the existing rule in order to make the survey available to your customers.

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