Custom email template

Even though SatisMeter supports a long list of email providers, you might find that yours is not on the list. If that's the case, you can still use SatisMeter with your email provider, but first, you'll have to customize the email template to suit your provider.

In this article:

1. Download an anonymous template

Go to your survey's designer, right to the email provider's list but, instead of looking for your provider, select Anonymous and download the email template.


2. Look for your provider's template variables

Many email providers support what we call template variables, although they might call them by a different name. They act as placeholders for user personal information so that you can personalize your emails. For example, if your provider's variable for a user's name is "{{NAME}}", and in your template, you include something like "Hi {{NAME}}", your provider will replace it when sending the email to users, so "Hi {{NAME}}" becomes "Hi Alice", "Hi Frank"...

SatisMeter uses these variables to receive user information (id, name, and email) that will be attached to their response. That way, you'll be able to identify which user left a specific response, and filter responses in SatisMeter's Dashboard.

You should look for your provider's template variables in their documentation or contact their support team.

If your provider doesn't support template variables, don't worry. You can skip the rest of the steps and use the anonymous template you downloaded as is. SatisMeter will collect responses and generate statistics as usual. The only difference is that responses will be "anonymous", i.e., you won't be able to identify the user that left the response, nor use any filtering in Dashboard.

3. Include variables in the anonymous template

Let's say, for the sake of this explanation, that these are the template variables for your provider:

  • User ID: {{USER_ID}}

  • Email: {{EMAIL}}

  • Name: {{NAME}}

Open the anonymous template with a text editor and look for all the links that start like this (use the search feature from your editor):

These are what we call "survey links". They are the links your user will follow in order to leave the answer to the first question and finish the rest of the survey. You can see they already contain some URL parameters ("token=...&campaign=..."). Please leave those in the link unmodified; SatisMeter uses them to identify your survey.

Instead, you should add the template variables as URL parameters at the end of the link URL, prepending each with an ampersand, like "&userId={{USER_ID}}&email={{EMAIL}}&name={{NAME}}". The link should end up looking like this:{{USER_ID}}&email={{EMAIL}}&name={{NAME}}

All three variables are optional, so don't worry if your provider doesn't support some of them; you can skip them from the modification.

Remember to use the real template variables from your provider and leave the other URL parameters unmodified. Also, make sure to modify every survey link that you find in the template.

4. Import the modified template

Now that you have your custom template, your next step will be to import it into your provider's account. Search for "Import HTML template" in their documentation if it's not clear how to do it, or contact their support team.

We encourage you to send the survey to some test users before sending it to real users, so you know for sure that the template is working.

If it didn't work or some of the steps are not clear, don't hesitate on contacting our Support Team via email or via the Chat bubble.

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